Remove/Delete A User

Removing a user from your account can only be done by an Administrator.  For Administrators, you can remove a user from your account by following these setps:

  1. Log in to your LetterStream account
  2. Select the My Account link from the navigation bar
  3. Select the Manage Users option (this page will also show who is setup as an Administrator within your LetterStream account)
  4. From here you have the ability to add, edit, or delete a user. From the list of current users, locate the one you wish to remove
  5. Select the Delete link to the far right of the users information
  6. You will be asked to verify that you wish to remove the user. If you wish to proceed, choose OK
  7. The user is now deleted, and will no longer be able to login to your LetterStream account

Note: when a user has been deleted, any jobs they created will remain within your account and their name will still be associated to them.

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