PDF Error Code 413 - File Too Large

413 request entity too large error occurs when a request made from a client is too large to be processed by the web server. ... An example request, that may cause this error would be if a client was trying to upload a large file to the server (e.g. a largemedia file)

Sometimes this occurs in the LetterStream shopping cart when someone is trying to pay for hundreds of mailing projects at a single time.  This event seldom occurs, but may occur for API customers who are not batch uploading their documents.

We encourage API users who send hundreds of requests per day to take the following actions:

1. Keep your account fully funded.  You can use the Prepay page to make sure your account has plenty of money and to add more funds.

2. Set a Low Balance Warning on your account so you can be notified that you are running short on funds prior to running out.

3. Consider changing your API method to send one or two jobs a day with all your letters in them. 

If you happen to be an API user with hundreds of jobs stuck in the shopping cart, the best approach is to add more funds on the Prepay page, then click on 50 - 100 jobs and go through the check out process. Repeat the process of clicking on 50 - 100 jobs and submitting payment until all jobs are cleared of the shopping cart.

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