Pages Per Recipient

If you are using a PDF document that already has the address information included on it, you will get to the "Address Selection" screen.  On this screen, you will be required to specify how many pages each recipient in your mailing will receive.  For example, if you upload a document that has 10, two-page letters, each of the 10 recipients will need to get two pages.

The blue box in the upper right-hand section of the screen will require you to specify this:

When you click the dropdown box, a list of options will appear.  The options that appear here will change based on how many total pages is in your document, and the options that are listed will be the only numbers that are wholly divisible by the total number of pages in your document.  Here are some examples:

If your document has a total of 3 pages in it, our system will give you two options; 1 page per recipient or 3 pages per recipient

If your document has a total of 8 pages in it, our system will give you four options; 1 page per recipient, 2 pages per recipient, 4 pages per recipient, and 8 pages per recipient

and so on.

If you don't see the correct option in the dropdown list, it's because there isn't a way for our system to equally provide each recipient with that number of pages, based on the total page count of the document

You might need to review your document to see if there is an instance (or multiple instances) where some recipients are receiving a different number of pages than what they should be, or maybe there is a blank page at the end of the document that can be removed.

If your document intentionally has some recipients who need to receive a different number of pages, we might have some other ways to help out.  Feel free to reach out at that time and we can help determine what the best option would be.

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