Creating a New Mailing

When you log into your account, you will see a few options at the top that say Send Letter(s), Send Postcard(s), Address List Cleanup, and Send Coupon(s).

Unless you want to send postcards or create a coupon mailing (typically our customers in the HOA industry utilize this option), then go ahead and click on the Send Letter(s) button.

You'll be taken to a screen that will allow you to specify your mailing details.  You can name your mailing whatever you would like to.

You will then be required to let us know where your recipient addresses are coming from.  If you have an excel file with all of your addresses listed, then you'll need to select the Address List option.  If you have a PDF document that already includes the recipient addresses on them in the same location, and the PDF isn't saved as an image (ie, it was scanned into your computer) then you can select the My Document option.  Otherwise, you can manually type out and save your recipient addresses by using the Address Book option.

Finally, you will need to let us know what type of mail you would like to send your documents as.  You can choose from USPS First-Class, Certified, or Marketing Mail options.

Once those options are selected, click Continue.

From there, our website will walk you through each step with instructions.  But should you have any questions feel free to reach out!

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