Create A New Job - Single Recipient

Our website is set up to offer different solutions for sending your mail, so this should be a breeze.

The first step is to save your document in PDF form, as our website does need PDFs to be uploaded. From there, you will want to select the blue Send Letters button under Create A New Job. You will see this when you log into your account on the My Current and Completed Jobs screen.

Next, on the Create A New Job screen, you will be asked to name your mailing (this is for your records only, no one else will see your job name). Then you will select the circle to the left of LetterStream Address Book, specify the Mail Type options under “I would like my mailing sent”, then click the blue Continue button.

On the following screen select the blue Add New Address button, populate the fields with where you would like this letter sent to, in your case, it would be your address, then click Save Address. Once saved, click the tick box to the left of the address then click, Continue Job. On the next screen, enter your Return Address information, then click Continue.

Now, on the Job Inserts Review screen, select the blue Add A Document button. In the Add Additional Insert Document wizard, click Choose File or Browse under Upload A Document > and select your PDF. Once your file has been selected change the number of pages to the correct amount each recipient should receive.

From there you can add additional documents and/or return envelopes. You will also be able to view proofs of your letters, which we highly recommend. Then you simply pay for your job, and we'll start working on it!

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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