Non-Profit Mailings

While we do have the ability to process non-profit mail, we don't have that request very often. Therefore the non-profit route is doable, but will take a little longer to set up.

We typically like to recommend that the USPS Marketing Mail option (formerly known as Standard Mail) is utilized to send your mail instead of the non-profit method. This is for a few reasons, but primarily because Marketing Mail is actually a little cheaper through us and it gets delivered roughly at the same speed as non-profit mail does. The Marketing mail option is also available within every LetterStream account by default, so you can start sending mail immediately!

In addition to non-profit mail being slightly more expensive per letter, we also charge a $75 fee to get the non-profit option activated within your account.

If you'd prefer to send your letters via non-profit mail feel free to send us a message and we'll take it from there!

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