First Class Mail - Supporting Evidence of Mailing

First Class mail is a non-trackable product that the USPS offers. You can send First Class mail through our website, and is a great option for sending documents that you don't need tracking information for.

Keep in mind that you may not be able to provide evidence of delivery as you can with other products that do include tracking information, and we don't have any special insights into the delivery process beyond what the USPS provides for First Class letters.

But LetterStream does offer ways you can provide basic evidence of mailing should you need to:

  1. LetterStream Job Information - on the screen that shows a list of the mailings you have sent through your LetterStream account in the past, you will see a date/time stamp to the left of each mailing. If you hover over that, it will also show you a few time events, such as when the job was loaded onto our website, when it was released (paid and approved) to our production department, and then mailed out (given to the USPS for delivery).
  2. Mail Out Date - If you click on the job name or ID you'll see the confirmed mail out date on this page as well, along with the total number of recipients that were included in the mailing.

We also provide a couple of other options that will give you further confirmation/evidence/confidence that your non-trackable letters were indeed mailed out from our facility.

We have a Certificate of Mailing option that can be added to your account and added to your mailings. This needs to be added to your your jobs before they have been approved and paid for.

We also offer an Affidavit of Mailing option (for jobs that qualify) that can be paid for after a mailing has gone out.

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