PDF Portfolios

What is a PDF Portfolio?

From Adobe.com:

A PDF Portfolio contains multiple files assembled into an integrated PDF unit. The files in a PDF Portfolio can be in a wide range of file types created in different applications. For example, a PDF Portfolio can include text documents, e-mail messages, spreadsheets, CAD drawings, and PowerPoint presentations.

PDF vs. PDF Portfolio:

A PDF document with multiple combined pages is a single PDF document, whereas a PDF Portfolio is a PDF file that contains multiple unique PDF documents within, independent of each other.

Does LetterStream support the submission of PDF Portfolios?

In short, we do not support the submission of PDF portfolios at this time.

Will LetterStream support PDF Portfolios?

Our system requires PDF documents to be submitted. While a PDF Portfolio is technically a PDF document, it can contain a number of other document types such as Word documents, Powerpoint Files, and more. Therefore we don't currently have plans of developing a way to allow PDF Portfolio to be uploaded.


If you have a PDF Portfolio(s) that you'd like to submit, please ensure the file is saved as a non-Portfolio PDF document first. This will allow you to ensure all pages within the Portfolio are saved as PDF files and will allow you to upload your document to our website.

Please also ensure to follow proper PDF saving/exporting practices to ensure any unembedded components are properly embedded into your files before uploading.

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