Document Folding
If you are using a standard #10 envelope, your documents will typically be "z" folded or "c" folded. If you are using a large "Flat" envelope, your documents will not be folded.

Nesting Methods
Nesting relates to how many pages might be folded together in a set before being inserted into the envelope. Nesting is our effort to fold multiple pages together so we can fit more documents into an envelope and insert envelopes faster. Generally speaking, 3 pages or less will be nested together (stacked together before folding) in order to maximize inserting efficiencies. If dealing with more than 3 pages, we may nest documents into subsets and insert multiple sets of nested documents into the envelope.
Subsetting involves reducing the stack size, before folding so we can get all the documents efficiently added to an envelope. For instance, if you load a 10-page document, we won't attempt to fold all 10 pages together in a single motion. Instead, we may break the stack into a set of 4, another set of 4, and a set of 2. Then we will fold these stacks and place 3 folded sets (subsets) into the envelope. We do not have a way for clients to tell us subsetting preferences. We subset the most efficient way for us to move mail quickly, and this can change from day to day and machine to machine.
Page Order
We will always insert your documents so that the pages are in the same order as you arrange them on the inserts page, through our drag-and-drop interface. However, it is ultimately up to us to determine folding, nesting and subsetting options. Envelopes, which are generally automatically moved to the last position on the thumbnail page, will be inserted last regardless of any location specified.
If you find yourself needing something specific, please contact us and we might be able to figure out a custom folding/nesting solution for you. Any custom solution we find for you regarding this particular need, there will be an additional upcharge of $.20 per sheet of paper to your mailing cost.
Also keep in mind that you can decide to use a large flat mailing envelope for any page quantity starting at 1 sheet of paper all the way up to 75 sheets of paper as well. Your documents will be placed into your specified order into the flat envelope, unfolded.