LetterStream Tips - Save Time and Money!

If you think the process of getting a mailing created on our website is too slow, we probably have many ideas to help you.  Below are a few ideas.  If you don't find an idea you can implement, give us a call or send us an email.  I'm sure we can speed things up for you.

On the other hand, if you think the USPS takes too long to deliver your letters... well, we wish we had greater control of that process.  We do offer FedEx overnight letters which will get your letter delivered crazy fast, but it does come with a price.

Here are a few other ideas that might immediately save you time and money. And, they will take just a few minutes to implement. 

- Grouping Letters -
First, you can group all your documents into a single pdf file and create a single job each day instead of loading many jobs of 1 letter each.  Simply put all your letters for a day into a single pdf file (assuming mail-to addresses are in the same location for each letter & each letter has the same number of pages) and you can load a single job.  You just saved roughly 2 minutes times the number of letters you no longer need to make jobs for.

A fear might be that you'd never be able to find the letter you need when you are researching a person. However, our search tool allows you to quickly find anyone in our system. You can search by any address field.  Simply entering the word "search" will yield more information on searching through you own data on our website.

There are a number of ways to group pdf documents together.

1) If using MS Word you might already merge a bunch of documents at one time, if so, simply export/save all the pages to a single pdf instead of multiple individual pdf files.

2) If you are building letters or pdfs one-at-a-time and saving them, many pdf writers allow you to save new documents to an existing file name. It should then prompt you to "overwrite"/"replace" or "append"/"add to". You want to choose to append.

3) If you are provided a collection of pdf files. You can use the LetterStream website and combine 10 of them together at a time. The tool is under "My Account" - "PDF Tools" - "Join Multiple PDFs".

4) If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro you can combine a large number of pdf files into a single pdf file.

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