System Notifications
If you would like to send email notifications to others regarding your mailings, you can do just that on the System Notifications page within your LetterStream account.
Below is a description of what each email option under the Event Type dropdown completes. Keep in mind that the different status options on this page automatically get emailed to the email address that is associated to the account that was used to create the mailing.
New Job
An email is triggered every time a new job has been uploaded within your account. A new job is being considered to have been created, and the email will be sent, when the job is paid for.
New Job - With Invoice
Your job has been paid for and we are currently working on it (invoice is included as an attachment in the email)
New Job - Auto Hold
Job created by this user will automatically be placed on hold as soon as the job is started. Any user, including the creator, with access to the job could remove the hold status.
Job Complete
The job has been mailed out of our facility
Job Complete - With Invoice
Your job has been mailed out of our facility (invoice is included as an attachment in the email)
Holding Job
The job has been placed on hold (email will state the reason it's been placed on hold)
Release Job
The job that was previously on hold has been released from hold.
Deleting Job
The job has been deleted.
Pending Reminder
The job is waiting for approval.
CASS Complete - With Invoice
Your address file has gone through our CASS tool and is now ready for you to download (invoice is included as an attachment in the email as well as the updated address list).