How can I find a recipient and their letter?

There are a few different ways to find someone you send mail to. For starters, on the Job Recipient List screen, each column heading that is underlined can be used to trigger a sort by simply clicking on the header name.  If you are looking for Allen Smith, you may want to click on the "Name" title and sort the list by name.

You can also sort by the Lot Address (LotAdd), the Account Number or various other fields. Another thing you can do is use the Find tool that is built into your browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer). On the main menu of the browser click on Edit then click on Find (On this page). You will be allowed to enter a value and the browser will find it if it appears on the page. This is most helpful if all the data appears on one page. Our Job Listing only shows 150 names per page so make sure you are on the right page of data before using the browser's Find feature.

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