Color Envelope Options

We offer a couple of different envelope color options for #9 return envelopes, (but we don't currently offer any color envelope options for outer envelopes).

To choose a different colored #9 return envelope, you first need to create your return envelope artwork (use this template to create your envelope).  Once your return envelope artwork is created, save it to your computer.

On the "Inserts Review Page" for your mailing, click the Add Envelope button and then scroll down to the "Upload a New Custom Envelope" section.

Upload your envelope artwork (PDF file only), and then click the dropdown box for "Document Size".  Here you can choose one of three different color options:

#9 - Return Envelope = White return envelope #9 - Return Envelope Blue = Blue return envelope #9 - Return Envelope Yellow = Yellow return envelope

If you are going to use this same envelope in the future, you can click the "add to saved items" checkbox and this will give you quick access to this return envelope for future jobs (keep in mind that they will be saved as the color you select).

Finally, click the Upload and Add to Mailing button.


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