Removing and Restoring Recipients

As long as a job has not been paid for, recipients can be removed from a mailing.  

If you have already paid for the mailing, the system will no longer allow any changes to be made to that mailing. However, if that is the case, there is still the option to delete the job and load it again, as long as we have not sent the mailing out.

To delete a recipient from a mailing, navigate to the Job Recipient List/Review screen for the mailing in question (to access the Job Recipient List/Review screen you can click directly on the Job Name or Job ID).

To the left of each recipient is a blue “Delete” link that when clicked will remove that single recipient form the mailing. 

You can also delete recipients in bulk by clicking on the "delete all records above" link.  This will remove all records that are showing on that page.

Once a recipient has been deleted, the deleted recipient will move to the menu below titled “Deleted Recipients”. After a recipient has been deleted there is still the ability to restore them selecting the blue “Restore” link to the left of the recipient. 

Keep in mind that the mailing must not be paid for or in the shopping cart when attempting to restore a deleted recipient. 

You can also restore recipients in bulk by clicking on the "restore all deleted records" link.  This will restore all records that have been deleted.

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