PDF Preflight Tool

Getting Started

Our PDF PreFlight tool "overlays" important information on top of page 1 of your PDF document.

This tool can assist you in a number of ways, such as address placement, eliminating our system-generated coversheets, statement formatting, saving cost, and more.

If you send documents that include the address information already on them.

In This Article

PDF PreFlight Basics

The PreFlight tool can be accessed on the PDF Tools page (My Account - PDF Tools). Submitted a PDF document to this tool will return a new version of your document, with our system provided information overlayed on top of it. The information that will be provided is as follows:

Minimum Margins

This is located at the top right of the document and displays our minimum document margins of .20" top/bottom and .25" left/right. The light grey dashed line that goes around the entire document represents these measurements.

FROM Address Box

The FROM box located near the top left of the document shows where the return address should go. Ideally, the return address will begin in the upper left-hand corner of the green box and will leave a bit of space between the last line of the address and the bottom green line. Only the return address information should be included here, and nothing else (including lines, characters, or any other document components).

The below video and sample document display ideal FROM address placement.

TO Address Box

The TO box located just below the return address location is where the recipient addresses should go. Ideally, the recipient addresses will begin in the upper left-hand corner of the green box and will leave a bit of space between the last line of the address and the bottom green line. Only the recipient address information should be included here, and nothing else (including lines, characters, or any other document components).

The below video and sample document display ideal TO address placement.


The green CERT box just to the right of the address sections is the space that needs to be left clear, but only if you're sending certified mail. This is where our system will add the certified mail barcode and tracking number. If sending non-certified mail, this space can be used to include any document information or details.

Orange and Blue PERF lines

At the bottom of the document you'll see additional information. The orange dashed PERF line represents the placement of the perforated line on our 2/3 perforated paper stock, while the blue dashed lines represents the placement of the perforated lines on our 6 3/4 perforated paper stock.

Each of these two perforated paper stock items have a corresponding windowed return envelope that can be used with them.

Both of these options are typically used to send out statements and invoices.

Video walkthrough

This video walks you through the basics of using our preflight tool.  The preflight tool helps eliminate the cost of coversheets.

Display Dimensions

In addition to the information that will be displayed on your document by default, you also have the option to select the "Display Dimensions" option prior to running the PreFlight tool. Ticking this option will provide all information as the default setting, plus the measurements for the window placement as well.

Here are closer images of the measurements provide by the Display Dimensions option.



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