Balance Information

Your account balance can be found by logging into LetterStream, hovering over "My Account", and then clicking on "Billing Information".

This upper left-hand section shows your account balance with three pieces of information; Current Balance, Less In-Process Amount, and Useable Balance.

The current balance line shows you the grand total that you currently have in your account. This amount includes funds from any jobs that are currently in production.
The less in-process amount shows you the total amount of money that is being allocated to jobs that are currently in production (jobs that have been approved by you, but we have not yet mailed them out of our facility).
The useable balance is the difference between the current balance and the less in-process amount. Once we mail out any jobs that we are currently working on, the useable balance will become the new current balance.
As an example, if you have 10 jobs that are in production, those jobs make up the less in-process amount. Once those jobs are mailed, the less in-process amount will go to $0 and your current balance and your useable balance will be the same amount..

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