Customer Supplied Materials

Our website has been expertly designed to help you complete your mailing tasks with extreme speed and accuracy. It allows you to upload your documents and specify which addresses you'd like them to be mailed to - all within a couple minutes!

Because of this, we don't currently offer an option that would allow you to send us your pre-printed materials to include in your mailings. Some common requests are for magnets, keys, ID cards, special marketing materials, and so on.

To accomplish this sort of task, you would have to pay to ship us your materials, we have to figure out how to make the materials fit through all of our automated machines, and then we have to find custom ways to work around our website that would allow us to bypass the automation that has been developed. In short, it falls just outside the scope of what we usually do.

The best option would be to design your documents in PDF form, and upload them through the normal workflow of our website!

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