Getting Started

If you've already created your free LetterStream account then you are off to a good start! You might want to log in now if you haven't already.

In order to create your mailing(s) on our website, you'll typically need two things. One, to make sure the document(s) are saved in PDF format, and two, that the addresses of the recipient(s) you are going to send your documents to.  If you don't have a document already created, our website provides you with the ability to create basic letters.  Click here for more information.

Your addresses can be uploaded in a few different ways:

Excel File - If you have an address list in Excel you'll need to save your list as a CSV file.

PDF Document - Your primary document might already include the address information directly on it, that's great!  As long as your document is saved as an information PDF and not an image PDF, our system will be able to read and interpret the address information on your document. If your document already has the name and complete mailing addresses merged into the document, you can upload your document without uploading a separate address list.

Manual Entry - You can choose to use the LetterStream Address book to manually enter the recipient address.

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