Including Addresses Directly On Your Document

If you would like to avoid using a cover sheet, you can simply format your documents so that the Recipient and Return addresses are printed directly on your document, but it's important it's formatted perfectly so that the addresses will show through our windowed envelopes.

First, you will need to make sure the default address area is clear on your document, and guess what... we have a tool for that! For instructions on accessing the PDF Preflight Tool, simply click here.

There are a few different margins that will appear on the Pre-Flight, the main focus is to keep the  To” & “From” boxes at the top left of the page completely clear so we can print the addresses in this section.

Once you've formatted your letter to be sure those margins are clear, you can simply delete the Cover Sheet from the Job Inserts/Review screen so that the addresses are printed directly onto your document. 

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