Print Quality - Why are there small dots on my documents?

If you've noticed very small dots on your document, you've done some very good detective work! Most people will not see these itty bitty dots, but we're happy to explain why they are there...

The "confetti" spots on your document are actually by design. This is a feature of modern high-speed color printers, and it's designed to keep the color quality high and consistent with every sheet that we print. It might seem like the spots detract from the quality, and for anyone scrutinizing the document very closely, it really does. We've processed a tremendous number of jobs with this print technology and believe that most people don't notice and don't care. However, there are always discerning individuals who can detect the confetti and would rather not see it.

You might wonder,

  1. How can I get versions without the confetti effect?
  2. Why don't all of my other documents that LetterStream prints have the spots?

First, how can I make sure all my documents don't have the dots? You could do this be requesting "Premium White Paper". Doing so will cause the jobs to run through one of our slower, higher artform printers, which will remove the tiny dots.

Secondly, you might be wondering why all of your documents we produce don't include the dots. There are a couple of possible theories. First, if our "confetti" printer was down for maintenance, we would print your job on the slower, higher-quality machine to make sure we got your job out on time. Another possibility is if you pay to rush or expedite your job to make sure it gets mailed on a specific day, in which case our printing department may have intentionally directed your job to the other printers to make sure we meet expectations on the mail date.

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