Word Merge Mailings & Collating Documents

Our website doesn't currently allow you to complete mail merges (also known as word merges) directly on our platform, but we can print and send your mail merge mailings. If you need assistance with Mail Merges in Microsoft Word, we recommend this short tutorial from a Microsoft expert.

In short, the mail merge needs to be completed within Microsoft Word and then your PDF can be uploaded for us to print and mail out.

If you want to add an insert that has merged/personalized data to an existing job you can do so on our website, but it may be a bit more risky on your side.

First, you'll need a single PDF document with all your merged documents.  Additionally, the order of the pages in the PDF document must match the order of the recipients in the job you created.

Then you can load the document as an additional insert and select the collate option.

The collate option will be available when you click "Add A Document" during the job making process.  On this pop-up window you can choose the paper type, ink color, and click the "Collate?" button.

To collate a document that has already been uploaded, simply click on the yellow pencil icon which appears below the thumbnail image on the Review Inserts page.  Clicking the pencil will pop-up the insert details window for you to edit details including clicking the collate check box.

If you're looking to create a job with a mail merged document that contains the recipient addresses, click here.

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