Search results for embed

7 articles found

  • Embed Information Using Adobe Acrobat

    LetterStream requires that all information (fonts, images, and electronic signatures) must be embedded on all PDF files that are uploaded. If there is any information that is not embedded it can lead

  • Embed PDF Information For Mac Users

    "Preview" is an application available on most Apple computers. If you do not have access to an Apple computer this article may not be applicable. LetterStream requires that all fonts and images are

  • Information Is Being Stripped From My Document

    If you're creating a mailing and notice that the job proof is showing your documents with removed or stripped from your document(s), then that could indicate that the document(s) need to be embedded

  • Types Of Documents We Can Mail

    We send documents for customers in all sorts of industries, and our super secure practices, website, and HIPAA compliant status allow us to do this with a very high level of preceison and security.

  • Activity Reports

    Use the Activity Reports page to see the activity within your LetterStream account for mailed jobs! You can view your account activity for any date range, grouped in a variety of ways, specified by

  • Address Errors/Warnings Page

    The Address Errors/Warning page attempts to call out potential issues with addresses throughout the addresses provided. It's important to review these because any that aren't corrected or removed

  • PDF Portfolios

    What is a PDF Portfolio? From A PDF Portfolio contains multiple files assembled into an integrated PDF unit. The files in a PDF Portfolio can be in a wide range of file types created in